*** English below ***
Welkom bij mijn handwerkvlog! In dit 8ste filmpje neem ik je graag op sleeptouw in de wondere wereld van garen en wol. Ik vertel je over wat ik op mijn naalden heb, wat klaar is en ik geef je ook nog een boekentip en nieuws over de workshops mee. Enjoy!
| WORKSHOP SUGAR SPIKES SJAAL - tunisch gehaakt |
* workshop : https://gabriellehandmade.be/products/workshop-sugar-spike-sjaal-tunisch-haken-11-februari-nimble-handmade
* garen : https://gabriellehandmade.be/products/rico-design-creative-painted-power-310m-100g
| Kersttrui |
* patronen Kristtjørn | Holly Sweater - Hanne Rimmen
bottom-up : https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/kristtjrn-sweater--holly-sweater
top-down : https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/kristtjrn-christmas-sweater
| High Seas Balaclava |
* garen : https://en.filcolana.dk/yarns/peruvian.html https://en.filcolana.dk/yarns/tilia.html
* patroon : https://www.twoofwands.com/patterns/accessories/high-seas-balaclava-pattern
| True Colors advent sjaal |
- patroon : https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/true-colors
- garen : https://www.hetwolbeest.nl/c-6462943/sale/
| Granny tas |
- patroon volgt
- garen : Scheepjes Scrumptious box (affiliate link : Wanneer je via deze link garen koopt, krijg ik een kleine commissie. Jij betaalt niets extra.) - https://caros-atelier.webshopapp.com/tracking/tradetracker/redirect/?tt=27390_12_468258_Scrumptiousbox&r=%2Fscrumptious-colour-pack-146574343.html%3Fid%3D289431024
- Tunisch gehaakte zigzag deken : patroon & e-workshop deel 1 : https://www.nimblehandmade.be/blogs/news/tunisch-gehaakte-zigzag-deken-3km-challenge-gratis-patroon
| Spring forward MAL |
- patroon : https://handmadepast.com/mal-2025/
| Bea sjaal |
* sjaal : https://www.wolplein.be/pakketten/breipakketten/bea-s-asymmetrische-kabelsjaal-breipakket
* Garen : Honey van Veritas
* alle ‘Bea’ ontwerpen voor Wolplein : https://www.wolplein.be/bea-torfs
kabeltutorial : https://www.wolplein.be/blog/1940/gratis-cursus-kabel-breien.html
* Haakster van Nederland : https://www.wolplein.nl/blog/1437/afleveringen-de-haakster-van-nederland.html?srsltid=AfmBOor9qCgJKWZugJt2mFmX1ke2J1cHxxKPEdcFBXi43-Bb_WLJTDv6
| Dat ene moment - Liane Moriarty |
Welcome to my crafting vlog! In this 8th video I share my yarny adventures. I will tell you about my WIPs, my FOs and I also have a book tip and news about the workshops. Enjoy!
| WORKSHOP SUGAR SPIKES SCARF - tunesian crochet |
* workshop : https://gabriellehandmade.be/products/workshop-sugar-spike-sjaal-tunisch-haken-11-februari-nimble-handmade
* yarn : https://gabriellehandmade.be/products/rico-design-creative-painted-power-310m-100g
| Christmas sweater |
* patterns Kristtjørn | Holly Sweater - Hanne Rimmen
bottom-up : https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/kristtjrn-sweater--holly-sweater
top-down : https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/kristtjrn-christmas-sweater
| High Seas Balaclava |
* yarn : https://en.filcolana.dk/yarns/peruvian.html + https://en.filcolana.dk/yarns/tilia.html
* pattern : https://www.twoofwands.com/patterns/accessories/high-seas-balaclava-pattern
| True Colors advent scarf |
- pattern : https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/true-colors
- yarn : https://www.hetwolbeest.nl/c-6462943/sale/
| Granny bag |
- pattern to follow
- yarn : Scheepjes Scrumptious box (affiliate link : If you purchase yarn through this link, I will receive a small commission. You don't pay anything extra.) - https://caros-atelier.webshopapp.com/tracking/tradetracker/redirect/?tt=27390_12_468258_Scrumptiousbox&r=%2Fscrumptious-colour-pack-146574343.html%3Fid%3D289431024
- Tunesian crochet zigzag blanket : pattern & e-workshop part 1 : https://www.nimblehandmade.be/blogs/news/tunisch-gehaakte-zigzag-deken-3km-challenge-gratis-patroon
| Spring forward MAL |
- pattern : https://handmadepast.com/mal-2025/
| Bea shawl |
* shawl : https://www.wolplein.be/pakketten/breipakketten/bea-s-asymmetrische-kabelsjaal-breipakket
* Yarn : Honey by Veritas
* all ‘Bea’ designs for Wolplein : https://www.wolplein.be/bea-torfs
kabeltutorial : https://www.wolplein.be/blog/1940/gratis-cursus-kabel-breien.html
* Haakster van Nederland contest : https://www.wolplein.nl/blog/1437/afleveringen-de-haakster-van-nederland.html?srsltid=AfmBOor9qCgJKWZugJt2mFmX1ke2J1cHxxKPEdcFBXi43-Bb_WLJTDv6
| Here one moment - Liane Moriarty |